20+ Juggalette ideas halloween makeup, halloween ...

juggalo makeup ideas

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It turns out that Juggalo makeup blocks facial recognition technology

It turns out that Juggalo makeup blocks facial recognition technology submitted by MyNameIsGriffon to technology [link] [comments]

Let's brainstorm some ideas for new hunter gangs in Manhunt 3

So it's likely that Manhunt 3 will only come out when Piggsy flies. But there's no reason why we can't speculate and fantasize about what this new Manhunt would be like. Personally, I'd love to see the series return to Carcer City and revisit the snuff film premise. We could have Mr. Nasty rebuilding Valiant Video Enterprises, and maybe this time the Journalist would be forced into the protagonist role. I recall seeing some ridiculous and clever fan-made concepts for hunter gangs years ago, including a gang of homicidal lumberjacks and wheelchair-bound Wehraboos that wear stalhelms.
So how about we hear some fresh ideas for gangbangers and mobs of psychos to butcher through in our dream Manhunt 3? Here's a couple off the top of my head:
All right, that's all I got. It's 3 AM where I'm at and I should probably crash soon. Let me know if you have any crazy ideas for hunter gangs that you'd love to see appear in Manhunt 3. Take care!
submitted by vengeancesavage to ManhuntGames [link] [comments]

Hong Kong’s Mask Ban Pits Anonymity Against the Surveillance State

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam’s decision Friday to ban face masks as a tool to fight the city’s escalating clashes between marchers and police sets a protest movement bent on anonymity against the most sophisticated surveillance state in the world.
For Hong Kong’s anti-government protestors, who originally took to the streets four months ago to object to a proposed law that would allow people to be extradited to mainland China for trial, the mask is a necessary tool to avoid the feared hand of Beijing’s surveillance apparatus.
For the Hong Kong government and its supporters in Beijing, the battle is about restoring law, order and control.
The outcome of the battle will do much to determine the future of Hong Kong itself.

One country, two technologies

China is already a world leader in artificial intelligence and has plans to become dominant in the industry. Four Chinese A.I. startups, including facial recognition giants Sensetime and Megvii, are already worth over $1 billion.
In mainland China, facial recognition technology is ubiquitous. It helps citizens take out trash, monitors napping students and jaywalkers—and also profiles large segments of China’s Uighur ethnic minority in order to track them.
In Hong Kong, facial recognition technology is much less prevalent in day-to-day life. But protesters have grown increasingly concerned that police uses facial recognition and other tracking tools to make arrests, in part because the Hong Kong police force has denied requests to release information on its use of the technology.
At the end of a night after protests, CCTV cameras in subway stations and other public areas are often blacked out with paint, smashed in, or dangling from their wires, the victims of protestors wary of surveillance.
Those who already fear Beijing’s encroaching legal and political influence see in Lam’s new policy the shadowy hand of China’s central government.
“Obviously this is out of her control. She is executing some order from Beijing,” Hong Kong Legislative Council member Claudia Mo, referring to Lam, told Fortune.
Lam has denied that she is acting on orders from China’s central government, and points to facial recognition’s crime-fighting capacities—the ones being thwarted by protesters’ face-coverings—as the reason behind the ban.
“Almost all protesters who have carried out violence have covered their face,” Lam said at a press conference Friday. “Their purpose was to hide their identity and evade the law.”

The movement’s survival

For those who see anonymity as their strongest weapon, the battle for the mask is a fight for the movement’s survival.
Even more than traditional repression measures, like curfews, the anti-mask decision cuts at the movement’s most powerful tool: privacy. The Hong Kong movement is leaderless, the identities of protesters are always concealed, and one of their central slogans, “be water,” is based on the idea of being shapeless and formless—and therefore outside the reach of authorities.
“The no mask thing […] will make people more recognizable from pictures and other media recordings and therefore easier to follow up with arrests and prosecution,” Steve Tsang, director of the University of London’s SOAS China Institute, says. “That is a very reasonable and legitimate concern on the part of many of the demonstrators.”
The face mask ban includes the use of face paint, which has been shown to thwart facial recognition software.
Black face masks and gas masks have come to represent the protests themselves. Wearing a mask is seen as a signal of solidarity with the movement—citizens have gotten tattoos of masks and protestors have used black spray paint to draw masks on models’ faces in bus stop advertisements.

A history of face-covering

Since June, when the current protests began, the use of masks has increased in tandem with arrests and violence in Hong Kong. Early on, most people attending rallies and demonstrations did not wear face-covering masks. At the most, they donned flimsy surgical masks.
Now, those masks are standard attire, as are gas masks with varying levels of protection and coverage, and it is not uncommon to see hardline protestors with full face and body coverings.
There are other variations as well.
On Oct. 1, when thousands in Hong Kong marched and fought police on China’s National Day, many protesters sported Guy Fawkes masks, which have been a symbol of popular resistance since they appeared in the 2005 film “V for Vendetta” but had not been widely seen in Hong Kong before Tuesday.
As its styles and uses have changed, the mask itself has become more than a tool; it has evolved into a potent symbol of the protest movement.
“The face mask ban is just ill-conceived, very very silly thing to have done,” Tsang, of SOAS, says. “All that it does is […] make people even more angry.”
Before Lam’s Friday press conference even began, hundreds of people had already taken to the streets and message boards were lighting up with calls for thousands more, signaling that the move will likely inflame another weekend of intense protests.
As of Friday evening, seven subway stations had been shut and protestors had filled central Hong Kong’s main thoroughfares to protest the ban, nearly all of them wearing face masks.

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submitted by acerod1 to Business_Analyst [link] [comments]

i'm going to be a juggalo for halloween.

that's it. i was going to be the incredible hulk, but dressing up like a juggalo is the best idea i've ever had. either i get my ass kicked by normal people for being a juggalo, or real juggaloes kick my ass for mocking them.
tl;dr: goddamn i hate insane clown posse.
submitted by skeletormask to reddit.com [link] [comments]

Hitler Hunt for 7/3/2018

I found 104 Hitlers in Politics today.

Findings that Russia meddled to help Trump beat Clinton were 'accurate and on point': Senate intel panel
Poll: Majority says Trump has emboldened racists
Fifth Circuit Says No, You Fucking May Not Strip Search A Classful Of Female Students To Find $50
Maxine Waters is done with 'nice guy politics'
White House Won't Order Flags At Half-Staff To Honor Annapolis Newspaper Staff
Border Patrol Agent Arrested for Child Porn on iPhone in Latest DOJ Exploitation Sting
Senate panel releases report backing intelligence assessment of 2016 Russian meddling
Fact check: Trump say his border wall is under construction. It's not.
Jeff Sessions' false claim that 80 percent of asylum applications are without merit
Trump shrugs off news of secret nuclear facility, pretends he prevented war with North Korea
A new poll finds 44 percent of white Americans think Donald Trump is racist
Leaked documents show China's game plan to drive a wedge into Trump's base using targeted tariffs
Poll: More Voters Blame Trump Than Dems for Lack of Civility
Senate panel agrees with intel community that Putin was trying to help Trump
China prepares to cancel remaining U.S. soybean shipments
GOP Senate candidate says Civil War wasn't about slavery
Juggalo makeup has the power to evade law enforcement facial recognition software
Trump biographer: Trump didn't write any of his books
Justice Kennedy Wasn’t A Moderate
Teen Taken at U.S. Border Tells of ‘Icebox’ Cages With 60 Girls
DNC chair: Ocasio-Cortez represents the 'future of our party'
‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Is Way Too Real — and Watching It Has Become Masochistic
Radical Democrats Are Pretty Reasonable
Trump, Putin will forego translators, aides for one-on-one meeting at start of Finland summit: Report
Musical instrument manufacturer threatens to move overseas due to Trump tariffs
White People Will Be Outnumbered By Hispanics In Texas Within 5 Years
Trump Seems to Think ICE Is Some Sort of Delta Force for Fighting MS-13 in the Streets
Lawyers who represent a neo-Nazi will defend Alex Jones in Sandy Hook Case
The Supreme Court just quietly gutted antitrust law
Indiana church locks baby Jesus in a cage to protest Trump’s immigration policy
Social media trolls Alex Jones with ‘Second Civil War’ letters
Trump’s latest attack on Harley-Davidson makes absolutely no sense
Trump has made it a verbal open season on journalists
History won’t be kind to family-separating Republicans
Scott Pruitt Cuts Out Middle Man, Reportedly Asks Trump Directly for Sessions’ Job as Attorney General
Alan Dershowitz says ‘friends on Martha’s Vineyard’ are shunning him for defending Trump
Donald Trump Opposition a Sign of End Times and 'Demonic,' Right-Wing Pastor Claims
'The 'ultimate deal' that Jared Kushner is proposing for Palestine would strip the people of all their dignity'
Trump Administration Reverses Obama on Affirmative Action
Nearly 30 Arrested After Chaos Ensues When Some Immigration Policy Protesters Clash With Police
Trump Says ‘Abolish ICE’ Is Bad Politics For Democrats. Is He Right?
Nearly 35,000 people arrested crossing southern border illegally in June
Why Anthony Kennedy Was a Moderating Force on the Supreme Court - The Nation
Trump: Democratic voters will support Republicans because of ICE criticism
Only thing un-American is to compare prez to Nazi
He Survived Nazi Concentration Camps – His Message On Border Security Will Silence The Media
The ‘Resistance’ Continues Its Slide toward Violence
Sieg Heil! I mean... Beep Boop, I am a robot.
My purpose is to find and link comments in Politics that contain the word 'Hitler'
Since my birth, I have found a total of 15081 Hitlers in Politics. On average, I found 82 Hitlers per day.
Today, I read 49015 comments. In total, I have read 7666523 comments.
submitted by HitlerFallacyBot to TheHitlerFallacy [link] [comments]

[IAmA] Hobo Tabled

Verified? No
Questions Answers
Are you a singing hobo or a stabbing hobo? Shit, I try. My voice sounds like a nasally Bruce Springsteen.
I instantly clicked on this ama. I've always wanted to hop a train even if for only a relatively short distance, but would love to really travel and see the country.Where's your unexpectedly most favorite place you've visited? And, any tips for newbies/ first timers? Oh, and how do you feel about first timer-thrill seekers compared to encounters with other rail vets?Thanks in advance, I'm jealous. Either Cheyenne, Wyoming or Macon, Georgia. I've heard nothing but "boring" about them both, but ended up having a great time in both places. Some friends and I actually got paid to herd goats for 2 weeks in Cheyenne. The lady also housed us up in a trailer next to the goats. It was a blast, definitely.Tips for newbies, huh? Well, I have a lot. But I'll stick to some of the most important.Do research. Find a rail atlas, find out some stuff about the nearby Railroad companies/yards, watch the trains for a few days. Understand the nuances behind the movements of trains. Safety first and all that jazz.It's not all fun and games. It's romantic, yes, but it's harsh. It's physically draining, all the time. I like to think that instead of paying rent, you're paying your dues to the elements instead. No landlords, just cold and rainy nights.Don't let the bottle consume you. It's easy to become disillusioned from too much boozin'.
As someone that works for a Class I RR and who sees reports of people losing life and limb somewhere on the rails on a weekly, if not daily basis... please stress how damn dangerous train-hopping is.I've seen reports of kids losing arms misjudging their hops. Hell, people jogging on tracks get hit when they are listening to their ipods. Trains do not stop quickly, and all the engineer can do is throw the brake, hold the horn, and hope they get out of the way. Being on the tracks is not the same as getting on a completely still train in a yard. But yes, don't hop on the fly, unless you're willing to risk life and/or limb.
What do you keep in that red bandana tied to a stick, and why the clown makeup? A dildo and baconlube. Cuz I'm a juggalo fo' lyfe, son. woop woop.
How far have you traveled train-hopping? In total? Thousands upon thousands of miles. Probably enough to go from California to Maine a couple dozen times over.
Have you ever been caught? What happens then Slap on the wrist or short stint in jail (commonwealths are stricter when it comes to these types of charges, it seems)
What was your worst day/night of being a hobo like, and how long do you plan on doing this? Ah, it was in New York City. It was within my first year of hobodom. Basically, my girlfriend (a fellow hobo) at the time revealed to me that she loved heroin more than me. Turned out she had been doing that shit for months, and I had no clue. She then burnt my sleeping bag to a crisp when I went to the bathroom, pulled a knife out on me and threatened to cut off my dick when I slept, and finally kicked me out of our "sleep-spot" for the night. With no sleeping bag. In New York.She didn't remember anything the next day. I left her, and haven't talked to her since.On the road and off, man... Bitches be crazy.
Second try: How fulfilling would you say your life is? Do you ever have regrets you didn't settle down? Sometimes. It's hard not to feel some kind of regret when you're being rained on at 3 o clock in the morning. I always chuckle at those moments later on, though.
Do you really use those secret symbols to communicate with other travelers? I remember a while back someone posted a big list of what they meant. Also, in your experience, how many people that you run into are mentally ill? Any problems with crime? What's the most fucked up thing you've experienced? Conversely, have there been any moments that stand out as a testament towards humanity? What's the nicest thing you've seen someone do for another person, either yourself or someone else? Thanks for the AMA, this is interesting! Haha, no not anymore. Those symbols are from the 'bos of the past. They're still an integral part of the culture, though. You'll see kids with those symbols tattooed on them, or taggers that paint them.I've never met a mentally ill traveler, but plenty of "off" urbanites along the way. It happens. Two of my friends got raped by a guy when he invited them to stay at his place for the night. I think that was a particularly dark time of my life. I felt that no one could be trusted in this country, on the road or off. Whenever a person picks us up when we're hitch-hiking out of pure kindness. This one guy gave us a 300 mile ride, 200 dollars, and a 12 pack of PBR. "You boys, see, you boys are living the true american dream. I'm just stuck behind this here truck, in a crumbling marriage and two kids who hate me. See, I let my flame go out. Don't you two ever let that flame go out." - him in all of his southern charm. Beautiful person.
What technology do you have? Do you carry a laptop or use internet cafes etc.? I used to just use cheapo pre-paid phones (trac-fones and the like), but now I have an iphone, and it's pretty fucking nifty. GPS is nice, and there's even a scanner app so you can listen to radio chatter in the train yards.I also use computers at libraries when I feel like the "pinch-zooming" has worn out its welcome.
How'd you afford an iPhone? Not being sarcastic or anything. Just, if you can afford an iPhone on a hobo salary I need to know your secrets and I don't mean the unwritten rule of the road type shit :P or railing people or getting railed..... I rail people on the rails while I'm railing pills off the rails. The iphone itself is from a sibling who no longer wanted it, and I pay for the plan by busking (playing music on the sidewalk with my case open, hoping that people will drop their leftover singles into it). I play some of my own stuff, but when it comes to covers? Beirut, Eddie Vedder, Folk punk, celtic folk, and some Beatles thrown in (people love hearing the beatles being played on a uke).
How many countries? Favourite country? Nicest country? How hard is it to travel via freight? What lead to you doing what you're doing now? How were you introduced to the idea of travelling the world through freight and hitch-hiking? 3. Germany. Mexico (for me, anyway. There's something to be said about solidarity in poverty)Not hard at all.I become complacent in a life of worldly possessions. Don't get me wrong, things are nice. But living just to possess more things than before just wasn't my thing. Folk music, literature, and, weirdly enough, the jrpgs from my youth. Dorky as shit? Yeah.
What sorts of trains do you hop? What happens if you get caught? Anything related to legalities/problems/consequences involved with train hopping? Do you do this for a living or just to travel? If just to travel, what do you do for a living? Intermodal, usually. Though I ride GM for the sweet summer gondola rides. Anything ranging from a slap on the wrist to a night in the cell. The consequences are not what they would appear to be. Truth is, people love traveling kids. Both, really. I play music for whatever money I may need. I might settle down sometime in life, but I'm nowhere close to ready yet.
Traveling kids? "kids" as in inexperienced people are "kids" as in 20 and under? Is trainhopping dangerous? As in, physically? Like is there sexism, homophobia, etc. Would a gay guy get worse punishment/treatment than a 'normal guy', things of that nature. When you say you play music, you mean you're a street performer or something else? Not trying to be judgmental here, just trying to clarify. Any advice for anyone wanting to start trainhopping? Is there a culture or community or anything like that? Do you have a permanent address? If not, how to you handle bills, mail, etc.? Thank you for doing this AMA. Kids is just a cultural term. It could mean from age 16 to age 40. Haha. It is, in terms of the trains. They're literally monsters. Just be smart about it. And nope, most kids on the road are actually (self-labeled, sometimes) radicals, philosophers, and artsy types. Being gay will have no impact on the road, and it's something I love about the culture. I'm Bi, myself. Street performer, aye. I hate to do this, but here it goes: (squat the planet is a great website for beginners and vets alike.)[http://squattheplanet.com/] try not to blow up the site too bad :P I don't have bills because of my lifestyle. Crazy, huh? For other types of mail, I generally use a post office. They can hold onto it for you. You're definitely welcome. Be safe!
Sorry for a few more questions concerning your answer. How to use a post office if you don't have an address? You mean a PO Box? Sorry, a bit confused here. Would you say there were any advantages/disadvantages to hopping by yourself as opposed to with a friend/partner? Are most hobos "Down on their luck" or just normal guys? How often are people thrown out of a train (literally)? What's a good way to tell if a bull is going to decent to you or murder you (before getting on the train)? Sorry, I should have been more clear. If someone needs to send me something, they'll tell me. I'll give them a friend's address in whatever state, then I'll go there specifically to pick it up. Advantages to solo-hopping: Solo is ninja. It also allows you to sit and just reflect. Advantages to hopping in a group: No loneliness. Ain't no party like a train party, I'll tell you what. Most hobos are just "normal" people. Geeks, nerds, artists, and punks. Just longing for something different, is all. Believe it or not, half of what we all talk about includes Pokemon and/or Magic: The Gathering in some shape or form. Pretty much never. Bulls can't/don't kill you anymore, haha. I've gotten a bit of a bruising from a bull, but that's because I was a forty into it and decided to call him "robo-pig, hog-king of the porkcops". I have no idea why.
Is it hard for a hobo to get laid? Sometimes. A lot of "housie" girls find the whole traveling thing to be "exotic" or whatever, though. Sometimes I'll wake up in a 2 story house wondering "what is this? I don't even..."
how are you on reddit? In 2012, the internet is literally everywhere here in the U.S. I can post to facebook via my phone when I'm on a train half the time. Being a hobo now is not exactly the same as it was a century ago.
Since you've been doing this for 5 years, which at 23 is no small chunk of your life, do you think it will be difficult to get back into the "real world" once you decide that this lifestyle is no longer for you? Yeah, but not by any of my own faults. Just all of the huge gaps in employment on my resume will probably hurt more than anything else.
Do you have a shotgun? Nah, I prefer the classic six-shooter. Railroad Bill and all that. Seriously, though; great movie.
Are most companies on the lookout against (hop-ons?)[http://www.getyourfilmfix.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/staircar1.jpeg] I love you so much.
If you have an Iphone, surely you've taken some cool pictures... Do you have any? Can you upload them? I'd love to see some pictures of what a day is like for a train hopper! thanks for the AMA! I'll up some in a bit, definitely.
How old are you, and how long have you been doing this? 23, 5 years. Still young.
What do you travel with? like everything you carry with you. Pack, clothes, winter clothes, books, first-aid, water purifier, knives, tarp, cooking shit, seasonings, music, ukulele, ukulele tuner, atlas, "music journal", sleeping bag, pocket-pussy, hey arnold! the movie...
First of all, i applaude your bravery in doing this. I have a few questions: How would you define hobo as a subculture? (in terms of rules, lingo, culture, code, etc.) On a scale from 1 to 10, how stressed would you say you are on a daily basis? Do you often feel endangered or threatened in certain cities while sleeping at night? Would you say some cities are safer and generally more hobo-friendly? Do you usually travel alone, or with a group? Do you often go hungry, or are you usually well-fed? It's honor-based, yet very accepting. It's like mad max meets cowboys and vikings. But everyone has sex with each other and compares notes on Watchmen and shit. My shoulders and legs do most of the stressing. Yeah, definitely. There are some cities that absolutely hate train kids, especially in different situations. Like right now, I bet Oakland, CA just hauls them off by the truck load. I do a lot of both. I'm fed better on the road than at home. People can be amazing.
edit1: sorry this is taking so long, first time, and hobo's like bullet points
edit2: So i'm not sure why the original post was deleted, but i closed the tab accidentally, so it's all lost in the tubes. should we delete this as well?
submitted by therndoby to tabled [link] [comments]

[FR] OKC Date #4, HB10, payphone-close in four parts. Part 3.

Part one here: http://www.reddit.com/seduction/comments/12d4bb
Part two here: http://www.reddit.com/seduction/comments/12f0z5
Part four here: http://www.reddit.com/seduction/comments/12j38g
--continued from part two...
Parking thing was smart on my part. Logistics always pays off. "Thanks for the parking tip, otherwise I would have been late". Immediately I make fun of the waiter. "That poor kid he was horrified by your face, did you see how he just froze their? Where's your sack?" This gets a laugh. I desperately want to get off the topic of her looks but that's the context, you work with what you've got.
She feels my slightly rolled up cuff, brushes my forearm. "You look good". There is this half-cuff roll that I learned from guys in italy, google for pics, shows off your forearms if you have nice ones but is not full rolled up sleeves which can look kind of silly. The cuff is turned over on itself twice.I totally settle at this point because I'm pretty sure that this was her way of saying -- we're off to a good start, I know this circus around us is ridiculous but I appreciate your style, lets have fun. Women are subtle.
So I go through my usual wine evaluation and some wine DHV stories. She has just recently started seriously getting into wine which is perfect. We're in the middle of this when the waiter comes back, way too soon, and again just stands their transfixed. It's awkward and it's bringing awkward energy that I don't need. I had to get ahead of this situation and I do.
I physically get up and take the waiter with me. I hand the waiter 20 dollars (again always have cash) and I say with total directness "You are fucking up my night, here is 20 dollars, and there is a great tip for you if you DO NOT come to our table unless I, not her, not anyone else, eye fuck the shit out of you. Are we clear?" He's cool with it, realized he was being retarded. I place my order directly with him near the bar. I return to her. The whole thing took barely a minute. "I put our order in, we're cool now".
She smiled in a way that was a huge IOI, basically a big "I appreciate a man that can take care of shit". So we get to talking about normal stuff, but not interviewy. Keep it light. She went to school in [X] I'm from [X], I went to school in [Y] she's from [Y]. Within reason every chance I get I tease and challenge her much more than I would another woman. I say things like "all that extra weight you carry around must have kept you warm in the winters" etc. Shit that would make a girl with normal self esteem cry.
She asks me some real questions but I'm kind of cagey. "So you date a lot obviously, what are you really looking for?" I want to keep the balance of power. "Juggalos, girls that are groupies for the insane clown posse. Did you see their movie western? I can totally see you with all that makeup to hide your face. " This gets a good laugh but also I can see she really wanted the answer. When you need a laugh and a change of subject always go juggalo. Basically we were circling the trophy question, which in my experience always comes up with 10's. As clever and cool as you seem, at the end of the day am I just some kind of trophy to you, some kind of mount Everest of dating or are you actually interested in who I am?"
I see the waiter has the booze at the bar but is waiting, I eye fuck him and the wine comes over. Normally I have a really good sense of the clock and I try to keep a pace, I have nothing, I have no idea how much time has elapsed and is elapsing, I have been sucked in a little. I do have balls though, giant fucking balls and I'm not ever be afraid to use them. Don't you be either, really what's the worst that could happen? They so no, you crash and burn, you pick yourself up, you move on, that's life. We chat some more, light stuff, fun, I'm witty and she is too right back. Good vibe.
We have two flights, three glasses each, six glasses total. Probably because of the tip these are not little pours, these are full 5 oz+ pours in each glass. My industry knowledge pays off in spades here. There is a subtle engraving of the name on [nice brand of glassware] glassware. On a well used glass it is barely visible. In flights a lot of places will mark out with a strike or tick a letter to indicated a glass is, glass 1 or glass 2 or glass 3, etc. If you didn't know to look for it you'd never see it. Makes sure the servers can keep things straight without being obvious.
Her body language to this point is pretty positive but pretty tame. We are closer than non-dating people would be but not touching directly and both her and I've kept the kino pretty light. Brushes, bumps, joking pushes. I almost always grab a girls hands and give them a feel and looksy. I usually make fun of them for not working enough with soft hands like this or that they need practice making sandwiches, those hands haven't made a good sandwich in years. I did this and her hands were like butter, the most perfect nails I've ever seen with a bright color, just long enough, not too long. You can also easily pick out whether they play instruments like guitar, cello, etc. It's not rocket science but it still seems to impress them when your like "Ohh, so you play guitar that's cool". If there are any girls reading this I think a lot of times you get carried away with the slutty, if you want high quality men you cannot substitute anything for being "well put together".
Anyway I get one of those adrenaline surges that comes with a good idea and I'm going all in. If I hadn't had the advantage I don't know if I would have done it but getting the advantage in life is about being prepared and I'm always that. I propose a bet. This is not the sort of girl I'm going to get panties half an hour into the first date a la my last FR, so it's a little more subtle. It's also ten times hotter because of the total package she is.
I propose the following with a huge fucking christmas day grin. I'm going to close my eyes and she is going to hand me a glass, I have to guess the wine. If I do she hikes her skirt up one inch and keeps it that way as long as we're sitting. If I guess wrong I'll answer one question, whatever she asks, seriously and honestly. She can try and trick me with the same wine twice. I ordered whites and she has reds. I decide I'm going to give her the first one to make sure she's hooked and then I'm going to get that skirt up 5 inches. Pretty sure that would be enough for her to show her stocking tops and if that is all I got out of this date I'd die a happy man.
She's totally into it. She's smart and I can see her gears turning that she thinks she can trick me. It also means that she is prepared to lose, there is some inner slut in there of the kind I was hoping for. She takes off here mini-jacket. Shits about to get serious.
I'm a wine expert but guessing wine out of the blue, especially subtle flights, is a really fucking hard thing, almost impossible. She knows enough to know this is true also. Especially with the same wine twice. Maybe I could have pulled it off without cheating but who knows. So I close my eyes. I move in closer so our legs are touching now. It just seemed natural. My eyes are closed I'm no longer responsible for where I put my hands and limbs. Move one hand to her knee to dramatize the tension. Using anything where you close your eyes I will use again, you can just put your hands where you want, it's a great pretext. Go all stevie wonder. I didn't but I should've felt her face, will do that next time.
She hands me the first glass. I immediately bring both hands to it and I'm trying to feel the name and tick. I definitely can. All I need to do is guess red or white, that's not so hard. I throw this one though, she yells "Wrong" with a glee she can hardly contain. "Maybe I should have bet you to pull down your pants". Now we're getting somewhere. We are really in close together now and I've got my hand back on her thigh, she is talking really close in to my face. "So you're this multi-talented, smart, attractive man." I like this so far. "What are you really looking for? I'm reminding you that you said you would take this seriously, you're under oath".
There is nothing for me to do but be honest. "There have been times in my life that I've really just been out looking to get laid. I got out of a long term relationship a year ago. Being completely honest, I really though that was it. Unfortunately it wasn't, it ended up really heart wrenching, the woman was an alcoholic and she ultimately chose that over the relationship."
Things are fucking somber now but we are in close and I'm trying desperately not to get sucked into the vortex of her incredible eyes. This is a place I can't say I've ever gone on a first date but thems the breaks. She also seems pretty transfixed on me. "Since then I've been dating pretty casually and still I'm in a little bit of recovery mode. However it's been long enough now that I would say I'm interviewing again for something serious but it's gonna take some time to figure that out. I'm really picky, I'm old enough and experienced enough that some co-ed throwing herself at me doesn't do it anymore. I'm also really complicated when it comes to sex, I like certain flavors of ice cream that you can't just anywhere. I like my sundaes to be made exactly how I say they should." It reads kind of ridiculous here but based on experience I always use ice cream analogies when it comes to the kinky business I want. It gets the point across without being threatening or creepy or overly graphic and amongst everything else I've ever tried it works much better. She asked, I answered so I was kind of sweating what would happen next.
She looks at me pretty deeply and pauses then starts talking "I can appreciate that, it was honest. I'm not running for the door. So you're kinky?" She says that with a definite note of apprehension but it was couched. "Epp, one question per round", big smile. That was sure as shit all the somber and serious material we were going to cover this night. She's a little exasperated but then I also see something click in her which is that the kind of kinky I am is more getting her skirt up in a wine bar than having sex dressed as furries. I will try anything three times, haven't been there yet though.
I excuse myself to go to the restroom, I need a moment to recoup. I ask her to get the waiter to get me more water while I'm gone trying to hide my smile.This is a setup as well and I'm really hoping it will pay off. I go to the restroom as fast as I can, put a cold wet paper towel on my face and head back out.
What I see is awesome. She is desperately trying to get the waiters attention and he is just looking at her but totally ignoring her and serving other people. I come back and sit moving right in next to her. Waiter looks at me pleading for help. I eye fuck him and he comes right over. She is dumbfounded in the best way possible. I order the waters. "He was totally fucking ignoring me". "Should've worn the sack". BAM. She's laughing hard. I don't hesitate, I square her body and mine, I look at her for a fleeting moment and move in for the kiss.
It was pretty electric. This is a reverse of the usual scenario for me but I would have fucked her right their on the mini couch. The kiss naturally ends, it wasn't making out, it was much more sensual. "Back to the bet". She is giddy, a question already forming on her lips. I close my eyes and take the next glass. I feel the bottom and find the tick. I only have to guess red or white and I can tell from the scent alone. I taste it and confirm my original thought. I want to make it dramatic though so I smack/grab her thigh and draw it out as much as I can, teasing that I can almost guess it on the tip of my tongue. She gives me a timer, 10, 9, … at 3 I call it and open my eyes.
She is glaring at me like how the fucking fuck did you get that, just totally shocked. She had formed the conclusion that I was bluffing and being cocky and that she was going to clean up at this. Very glad I threw the first round. "Let's see some thigh". She holds up her end and inches her skirt up. Just one inch but we're getting closer to risqué and she is worried. Round 3. I don't draw this out, BAM, I nail it and get another inch. There is a definite blush coming to her face and she looks around at who may be looking. I'm sure she did her fair share of crazy things in her college age years but she's been a lady in the past few years at least. As I suspected but later proved true this was her first real date in months.
End of part 3 -- same bat time, same bat channel, part four tomorrow
submitted by backtothegame to seduction [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA: AMA Juggalo of 10 years, hopefully I can disspell at least a little hate

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Date: 2012-03-27
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Questions Answers
Do you wear or have you ever worn the ICP clown makeup? If so, would you wear it casually in everyday life or was it more of an "I'm going to an ICP show so I have to look my juggalo-ist!" sort of thing? No I would never wear it in public, thats one of those misconcerptions about us, the only ICP fans (Im not going to use Juggalo to descibe them) that wear makeup in public are looking for the attention. At the Gathering (were EVERYONE is a juggalo) I wore a clown Luchador mask, but everyone paints there face there. The thing about the makeup is that it makes us all the same, when I was there I was camped next to this guy who I became friends with, and he always wore the paint, and I never thought anything of it, and when we shut down and went home, he took it off, and I realized he had sever burns across the whole right side of his face, but with the makeup on, everyone treated him like anyone else, and I realized this was probably the only time a year he gets treated like everyone else, and it made me happy that being a juggalo could do that for him.
Probably the best juggalo story there is. You would be shocked at how common those are, there are alot of people with physical deformities there, and they just either cover it up with face paint, or just go out loud and proud, juggalos couldnt give a shit. Its one of the reasons I will claim Juggalo till I die. In the normal world people treat them like freak shows, but they juggalos couldnt give a fuck, either your cool or your not, thats all we see.
That's really awesome, seriously. I think the most fascinating thing about juggalos is how you guys manage to function as a rational, accepting subculture as opposed to the rabid fanbase the casual observer might assume you are at first. Much respect from me. Thank you. Its just like any other group, most of us are calm rational normal people, but there are a few who want to yell and make a scene and make the rest look bad.
I wear makeup to some shows but not all of them. I have my own custom design that incorporates a tribute to my juggalo homie I miss. I am not the best makeup artist though because I don't really even wear regular makeup everyday, its not that great for your skin. Ive heard that about your skin, but I dont do it because grease paint in your eyes burns like a motherfucker. It makes me laugh when I go into the bathrooms at shows and there are guys doing each others makeup in front of the mirror.
Dear Reddit, OP responds to question with pertinent and respectful answer - Gets downvoted. WE ARE BETTER THAN THAT! Honestly, I am suprised at how cool everyone has been, I never expected it to go this well.
Hi there and thanks for doing this AMA. I have 2 questions. First, how many women have you slept with in your career? And second, what did you think of Rob Schneider's portrayal in Deuce Bigalow? Thanks and good luck. Me? IDK, dont feel like tryin to remember, I usually go with more than 10 and less than 20, but thats not a juggalo thing, I have never dated a juggalette, actually most girls Ive been with have really disliked that I was a juggalo.
I dont remember that part, I saw that movie before I got down. To be honest though, the Workaholics episode was a pretty decent one, up until the end at least.
What the fuck are you talking about? Did I miss the point of that question? Now I feel stupid.
Gigolo =/= Juggalo. Got you, I forget people that arent familiar with Juggalos always make that assumtion.
It was actually a joke. He pretended you said Gigolo instead of Juggalo. You say it was a joke, but you would be suprised how many people pull out the wallet when you say you are a juggalo.
That easy huh? To be a gigolo? If your willing to blow guys, Im pretty sure it is.
DISLAIMER; I am not a gigolo and am not qualified to give any gigolo related advice. Basically this comment is inadmissable in court.
How easy is it to get laid at The Gathering? OK... One by one...
What the hell was with that video asking how magnets work? I have no idea, people walk around with signs saying "wanna fuck?" but I wasnt looking at the time, so I dont know, but I hear its not hard. But be carefull, juggalettes go SUPER hard.
I mean, it made juggalos look like stone cold morons - can you explain what they were trying to do with that? I LOVE faygo, but it is SUPER bad for you, so I only drink it occasionally, if you see some grab a bottle, it really is delicious.
Do you actually like Faygo? About 10 years now.
How long have you been a juggalo? My dad hated it forever, and the one time he tried to be supportive and listen to it he picked THE WORST CD (Axe Murder Boyz, theyre terrible) but now that I'm successfull he could give a shit (unless I get hounded by the cops, then he tells me "what did you expect"). Both my brothers are "down" but there not juggalos per sey. My sister and step mom dont really think anything of it, its just some music I like.
What does your family think of this? Its not even the music or the makeup, ICP loves to say that liking the music has nothing to do it it. I have a friend who HATES ICP, but hes down to the ground. Its all about having each others back, the world is a cold hate filled place, and its nice to know that we have someone who loves us no matter where we go. Thats really what being a juggalo is about, if you love other juggalos, you are a juggalo.
What, actually, is it that makes juggalos different, aside from liking the music and dressing like clowns? EDIT: Forgot about the Magnet one. I dont speak for all juggalos, but me and my crew think that song is dumb as fuck as well. The point of the song was that "miracles are all around us" and they used magnets as one of those things that are like magic because they dont understand them, honestly I dont understand why THAT was the one that took off in meme form, i believe they also ask what a rainbow is, and "why do my his kids look just like shaggy and my little kids look just like daddy?" (not sure if thats the exact quote). We know how genetics and refracted light work.
You forgot the one where he feeds a fish to a pelican. Link to static.fjcdn.com. And it tried to eat his phone, right? That song is proof that people who wrestles take their music seriously are missing the point somewhere.
At some point do you feel that you will outgrow this music? By having such a feverish devotion to a musical act don't you feel that you are missing out on at least some aspects of life? Not at all, once I got into adulthood I listened to ICP less and less, and I only listen to them a few times a month now, but it is such a huge part of who I was growing up, the term Juggalo has way outlasted the music. Growing up I moved alot and caught alot of shit from people at new schools, and there was always juggalos to have my back, so I owe them alot, and I feel its my responibitly to look out for the younger generation the way the juggalos looked out for me when I was young, broke and lonely.
What music do you listen to now? Country, classic rock, quite a bit of rap, folk, I still listen to psycopathic quite often, mostly when Im in my roomates car.
Should have gotten a fucking skateboard. Side note: you ever been to nelson ledges? You people would come and completely disrespect the land and the people. We eventually started to turn the gathering away. Nelson Ledge? Is that Garettsville, OH? I didnt make that gathering, but what all happened? I know that we have a tendancy to leave a mess (we pay people to clean up the campgrounds) but as far as disrespect, I would hope they would be better than that (although it wouldn't suprise me if you ran into one who wasnt). We try and be respectfull to people when we roll into their town, thats your territory, and you are letting us in. I do know that we are not doing it again in Garrettsville though, and I know its because the towns people we not real happy, but I havent heard alot of stories about disrespect (not saying I dont believe they happened).
I may go through phases where I get into other types of music more, but I'm always going to bang it because at this point I consider being a juggalo an immutable part of who I am. Exactly, I'm suprised noone has asked if I listen to other music, because I think it would trip people out the music juggalos ACTUALLY listen to.
So, tell me, what music do juggalos ACTUALLY listen to. Haha, everything. On this I definitly cant speak for everyone, but ME PERSONALLY, I listen to all kinds of shit, being from Texas I love me some country after a few drinks (Lyle Lovett, Johnny Cash, Merle Hagard, even some John Denver). Classic rock (Led Zepplin, Beatles, The Who) and old school rap (Wu-Tang Clan, Biggie, NWA), folk (Bob Dylan is my favorite musician ever), I also listen to more recent shit like Black Keys and Lil Wayne. The only STEREOTYPE for juggalo music would be early 90s rap, a lot of our slang and saying are old school slag ("thats fresh/stale" "word is bond" "flipped my wig"). I saw Busta Rymes, Ice Cube, and MC Hammer at the gathering, there was many more, but those were the best.
It just always makes me laugh when Im all juggalo'd out (hatchet hat on tilt, Twiztid jeresy) and someone looks at me as Im rollin blaring "Thank God Im a Country Boy" out of the car. Also vice versa, when I have on my justins (boots), my stedson (a kind of cowboy hat), and wranglers, and Im rolling around with "Juggalo Homies" coming out the trunk.
On the juggalo reddit there's a feature called metal for juggalos, so I think its pretty safe to say that a lot of juggalos would cross over that way as well.
Ok, there were a lot of lifted riffs from blues even if they made them all around heaviebettedifferent/tighter. Their sources weren't well cited enough for my taste still. I may make jokes about ICP, but talking shit about Led Zeppelin is BLASPHAMY! HAHA. I know what you mean though. You really have to listen to blues along side Zepplin to fully understand it.
Why are people downvoting this guy? Hes trying to enlighten people who hate juggalos and don't know there side of the story. As for you Mr. Juggalo, keep on enlightening these people, show them that everyone ain't so bad. Thank you. I expected plenty of downvotes, but Reddit continues to amaze me with there civility. I have managed to break even on karma, and I didnt do this for the upvotes, I just see all the memes and videos, and I feel like that is the smallest (and worst) part of the story, wanted to have a decently normal juggalo have a chance to plead his case.
So basically juggalos are big fans of ICP? I think people consider all sides of the story, no matter how much you disagree with it. Thats what most people associate us with, but listening to ICP doesnt make you a juggalo. Just as not liking ICP doesn't disqualify you. Also there are a lot of other juggalo bands out there. Zug Izland is a rock band, Boondox is a redneck, Blaze is an old school gangster. Theres different music for different types, and if you don't like any of the music, you can still come. Generally ICP is the band most people associate with us though, because they're the most famous.
So how does one become a juggalo? Just "be down with me, and I'll be down back" as Shaggy said. As juggalos say "Have my neck and Ive got yours". I really cant think of a better example. All you need to do is love fellow juggalos, and be willing to shake off a lot of hate.
Why is it then that most Juggalos hate gay people and that ICP lyrics have so music homophobia in them? ICP doesnt hate gay people. At least not as far as I know, they say "fag" in some of their songs, but I think thats just how they talk, I dont think they mean to hold anyone down.
Sounds like a cult. It would be very cult like if we had a leader. Every Juggalo is their own person, we don't "recive orders" which seems to be how people think it works.
Maybe if we all started thinking like juggalos, the world would be a better place. Thanks for explaining to me man! Yea, its kind of a hippie/rave mentality (dont tell the other juggalos I compared us to hippies) but we love to get drunk and scream obscenities, but deep down its the same. We love each other, and if the world saw each other as on big family, it would be a better place.
How many drugs have you done? Haha, to be completely honest, Ive tried them all, and I was addicted to meth and heroin (at seperate times), but I am clean and sober now, I drink still, but Ive even quit weed.
A juggalo addicted to meth and heroin.. Shocker. Im clean now, but Im not going to hate, its a stereotype for a reason.
Whats your favorite? My favorite what?
All trolling aside, I'm glad you got clean. Its all good, AMA stands for "ask me ANYTHING" so no worries. Im actually supried how little trolling there has been.
Drug? Ha, I just drink now, so Im not going to make any recommendations, but I will say Heroin was my favorite, but its also the best at stealing your soul.
I kinda have this thought that heroin IS like a soul and it just collects fragments from every person it "takes"... I like that, use it enough, and its a person just like anyone else you know.
Did you know it is supposedly a Christian movement, of sorts, and if not how did you feel when that fact came to light? I did know that, and I was not real happy at the time, but I feel like they tried to go that way a bit to balance out some of the straight up evil things they used to say back in the begining. Alot of juggalos left once that album dropped, but then alot of them adopted the juggalo faith as there religion after that (faciciously, like the Flying Spagetti Monester) because from some reason theist cant accept atheists as anything more than amoral hooligans, but if you tell them you believe in a "great dark carnival" in the sky that is against fucking kids and hitting women and being a racist, they are ok with that. I guess its because they say "at least he has SOME morals".
How do you feel about the music that ICP put out that perpetuates violence and bigotry? Did you ever feel drawn in by that or feel that was the norm? What are some of the more realistic stereotypes that the public has about Juggalos? Ok, Im going to drop this bomb again (I had no idea people thought we were racist). Bigotry is one of a very few things that are NOT alowed in juggaloism ("We forgot mister bigot, but can you dig it, got our illusions all packed, but well still cut his neck up). There are plently of juggalos of many races. Racists are one of the people who will be taken out when the carnival comes along with pedophiles and wife beaters.
As far as the violence, the violence is generally committed against those people (racist, pedos, womanizers, check out "The Catch A Predator), so it's not as bad as you thing. Would you feel bad listening to a song about killing a pedophile?
I really have a very skewed vision of the Juggalo community. My neighbor was a very open Juggalo and he was arrested for domestic violence multiple times and I guess paired with the media clips of songs, it gave me the view of the loud minority. Oh sorry. In general, saying super violent things is the norm, but meaning them is not. I think one of the reason that that keeps up is because when your a kid in high school getting picked on and jumped after school, you like that people think you have a potential for violence. As far as stereotype, the only one I know of is that we drink to much and get to loud. I dont really know what the stereotypes are except that we are all stuipd and in 8th grade (both wrong). Someone said they heard we were racists (also not true). If you have any other stereotypes I will try to confirm/deny them.
Also. You only answered one of my questions. As for your neighbor, he sounds like a proper cunt, and he is the kind of person we try and distance ourselves from whenever possible. If his story went public and he went to juggalos to protect him, it wouldnt end well for him.
ICP seems like a band back in the 80's called SOD. SOD meant Stormtroopers of Death and their songs were openly racist. What non fans didn't realize is that they weren't serious and they were just making fun of racists through satire. They're also the ones who made the word 'mosh' famous. Really (about the mosh thing, TIL)? I feel like I have heard of them before. But we never joke about racism, racist "get they throat cut". Racism is 100% NOT ok in the juggalo culture. Its about the worst sin a juggalo can commit (next to pedophilla, and hitting women)
Give us your honest opinion of the average juggalo. ignorant rednecks or is there more to it than that? As a general rule, juggalos hate rednecks "Fuck Your Rebel Flag", "Chicken Hunting" (Chicken is juggalo for redneck "chicken fuckers", the drunken ones who "beat they wives and fuck they kids") but most REAL juggalos (once the intial excitement about becoming part of it wears off) are just normal people, I run into juggalos proffesionally occasionally, once at work I got hella praise because I got a lawyer to come over to our team, and noone else could, but I could never tell anyone it was because we were both juggalos.
As a general rule, juggalos hate rednecks "Fuck Your Rebel Flag" I find that's true of most urban conservatism. They don't self-identify with southern conservatism, but its conservatism just the same. ICP's entire writing motif is Christian mythology and anti-science/anti-education as well heavily trading on conspiracy theories and hating "the other." From my brief exposure to it, its also pretty racist. Have you ever felt uncomfortable with the views expressed by members of your group? Would you recommend becoming a juggalo to a teenager today? Do you feel that you might be a cult? Yes, I have been uncomfortable with view expressed. I would recommend it a teenager if they feel down and out ingnored by socierty, but I would as make sure they undersand not to take it to seriously. I may feel like this was more of a cult, if we had a leader. Noone is in charge, and everyone is free to beleive as they please.
That's weird consider most of the juggalos I've met fall under the "redneck" stereotype. Really? Well there are redneck Juggalos, there are more Juggalo musicians that ICP. Boondox is a redneck from "Newton County, Georgia" and hes probably my favorite juggalo rapper, hes redneck as fuck, and hes one of the main juggalo acts, right up there with ICP and Twiztid. If you like you some redneck music check out "Sippin on Down" and "Cold Day in Hell".
Huh, so it's like the Freemasons but not a club for pretentious snotballs. Huh. Exactly, anyone can be down as long as they are cool. This is one of the advantages and the drawbacks, any idiot can shoot someone and then claim they did it "for the juggalos" and every juggalo in America puts their head in their hands and goes "what a fucking idiot, looks like I have to put all my shirts in the attic for a bit".
Big B is also a good one if you like white trash, redneck stuff. I have a led zeppelin shirt somewhere that he singed and his crew drew a dinosaur on the back, he opened for rehab in my redneck town.
Whats your most exciting memory? As a Juggalo? The Gathering there was over 30 thousand of us together, and I had been down for 8 years and some change and I had never seen more than 4 or 5 together at a time. It was also amazing because I was starting to believe the way most people believe (all juggalos are wierd looking fat kids in high school) and it was great to see that I wasnt the only juggalo out there that went to college and got a real job, I met doctors and lawyers and cops and all kinds of people there, and it completely reignited my love for my "family".
Actually a lot of Christian screamo concerts will have mosh pits and people will help you up if you get knocked down. Thats cool, its a sign of a decent pit when if you start to go down everyone doesnt jump you. Ive seen mosh pits end because "HEY GUYS WATCH OUT THERES A GIRL AND SHE DOESNT WANT IN ON THIS". So mutual respect is always nice, even when beating the shit out of each other. You listen to Demon Hunter?
Yeah he was definitely sober when I met him. Im glad hes sober, but he was may more wild when we has drinking, and I missed that, but I wouldnt want him to go back. I think its funny that people think J and Shaggy are these terrible crazy drug addicts, but Shaggy doesnt smoke weed or anything, just drink (and hes sober now), and all J does is get stoned and take his occasional percocet (which I dont think he even does anymore).
Do you feel like most Juggalos give your community a bad name? Do you have faith that one day the Juggalos will be respected like the punk and hippie movements? I guess the Juggalos by default wouldn't be concerned about either of those things though, am I right? I do think that alot of juggalos give us a bad name, but I also thing the media/internet love to take things out of context for ratings/upvotes, you could take any group of people and find drunken idiots screaming stupid things and make it into a clip. I dont think we will ever get the respect that even things like punk have recieved, because by our nature we take in people that noone else will take in, and give them a place to belong, and if we went mainstream like that, people would start wearing a "uniform" and having to follow "rules" the thing about being a juggalo is spread across a broad spectrum, there are raver juggalos, thug juggalos (the one the FBI hates), stoners, people with families, ect. Juggalo isnt a style, we are all encompasing, if you have love you are a juggalo. Im a huge redneck, wearing flannel and boots right now, but Im just as much a juggalo as any kid in a clown shirt and face paint (if not more).
I respect the Juggalos but the violence bigotry and misogyny scare me, especially when it seems to be indoctrinated. I hope there is more of a respect for women than the media portrays about all of you. Woop woop. Um... Ok.... this is the hard one to explain. The juggalo culture loves to say fucked up things about women, but its funny because usually its the ladies that scream the most fucked up things. I used to worry about the sexism untill I went to the gathering and women were the ones who loved the super sexist songs the most. Juggalos love women, alot of what we say is ment to be taken as a joke, thats the biggest thing people dont understand "bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks" is not ment to be taken seriously, and all the juggalos know that, but it tooks terrible in a sound clip when you cut out all the women screaming it.
As far as violence, its just like horror movies, people like violence, doesnt mean we actually kill people, but sometimes your in a shit mood, and you wanna roll around blasting a song that claims you do.
Biogtry is absolutly NOT accepted in the juggalo community, its one of the only rules to being a juggalo. You are not allowed to hate poeple for things they cant control. ESHAM and the ROC, FOUNDED the juggalo movement (with ICP and Twiztid) and they are black.
Word. I'm glad the Internet had made all of you be able to come together. Do you think the Juggalo movement will ever outgrow the logistics of having a Gathering? No way, Juggalos (I have been warned about speaking for the group) TEND to not use internet communities that much (at least not as open juggalos). At the gathering Twiztid was up on stage in front of thousands of people and screamed "HOW MANY OF YALL ARE ON FACEBOOK?" and it was silent. You have to realize with all the hate we get, its usually not even worth it to get a facebook, or join a website to look for others. I have, on Reddit, said "I think that you made the the right decision" and had people reply "FUCK YOU, YOUR A JUGGALO AND THEREFORE STUPID" (paraphrased of course). After the age of 18 (or college for some) most juggalos just keep it to themselves and secretly sneak out once a year to be with there own kind.
When I watched 'American Juggalo' I came away deeply divided because I love the philosophy of having a readymade family wherever you go but holy shit were there some fucked up things going on in that video. Having been to a couple music festivals in my young life, I understand the idea that you get a little wilder than usual in that setting plus the juggalo aesthetic is just a little more extreme by default, but still, I cringed violently and often. As I read this AMA and read people's negative anecdotes and your responses I was pretty taken by the fact that you never disowned the juggalos in question (ala the 'no true Scotsman' fallacy) but merely suggested that they were failing to keep part of the code. It reads a little like apologism. I also can't help but feel like you, as one of the 'well adjusted' and by your own admission 'successful' juggalos, your view on it is skewed toward framing it as more of harmless side activity. SlayerScylla's responses reinforce this as she is clearly a little more extreme and I imagine she's even pretty moderate compared to what exists. So from all that rambling comes this question: What percentage of the juggalo community would you say is like you (e.g. Only listening to the music monthly, mostly sober, personally and financially successful) and what do you think we would be hearing in response to these questions from someone outside of that fraction? Im glad you said that. I cringed in the video at the preganent lady smoking, and that was a huge controversy at the Gathering last year, wether kids should be allowed. It looks bad in the doc, but "Family with Family" tend to camp with with own (other people with kids) so they dont really interact with the loud, drunk/tripping juggalos. Its real hard to believe, I dont think anyone will understand as I say that, we were firmly against kids at the gathering when we got there, but by the time we left we realized it may be the safest place for a kid. The whole time I was there one kid got lost, and the whole place shut down until we got him back to his mom, (took like 10 minutes once word got out) and its always funny to watch people immediantly sober up, stop swearing, stand up straight, and hide there bottles/pipes as soon as a kid comes near. A fellow juggalos kid is to be treated as if were your own. Still don't really like that it happens, but I understand it more.
I would say most juggalos are like me (by most, I mean north of 50 percent). I dont want to give the impression that I'm not a ride or die juggalo, I have 4 ICP posters and an oil painting of a clown in my living room, and my room is full of Twiztid and ABK flyers from shows, but I keep that in my house. Noone outside of my friends would ever know I was a juggalo, and I feel like most of us are like this. As an adult I meet other adult juggalos all the time that noone but a fellow juggalo would be able to out, problem is they would never admit it to an outsider, there is alot of negativity "normal" people associate with us.
Yeah a common interest brings people of like minds together, I understand and congrats on sobriety. Thank you. Getting sober was hard, but staying sober had been alright. Thanks for the support.
What got you into the music? I had juggalo friends growing up, but once my mom died, I moved to a new town, and one day we had to come to school dressed as our heros and give a report, and a guy I used to ride around and smoke with came as Violent J and gave his report. I was really interested so I ask him, and he gave me a mix CD by ICP, and "The Green Book" by Twiztid. They blew my mind, and they apealled to my lonely, poor, society hating us, attitude I had, and they gave me hope and a family, and Ive been down ever since.
Are all juggalos a product of inbreeding? Nope. Would you want to fuck your sister if she was a juggalo? I think not.
What is the most efficient ratio of fat chicks in the car to faygo in the trunk? The more faygo, the more fat chicks. What do you call that? A positive correlation?
Link to vimeo.com. Thoughts? Im actually in that. One of the people screaming "Piss Yo Self" (long story) on the chopped bus (the "love train" as we call it). That was made by a non-juggalo, but he did a decent job being unbiased. If you want to watch the best juggalo documentary watch "A Family Underground"
How did you feel when you found out your idols who promote violence against women are also creationists who are confused about magnets? Also, what do you credit more for calling yourself a jugallo. Hating your mother or hating your father? ALSO, just for the record, they do NOT advocate violence against women. As for the theism, I just shrugged that off, thats their life not mine.
Hey, OP, don't feed the troll. Much love for the AMA. You would think I would know better by now.
Isn't your whole plan to be outcasts by conforming to what ICP tells you to be? You instantly lose your individuality when you claim to be a juggelo. That's one of those stereotypes I wanted to squash. ICP has no power over us, they don't tell us what to do. The only thing all juggalos have in common is the name.
Do you believe in miracles? I believe in things we cant explain yet. If your asking if I believe god did it, no.
For a person who has no idea what a Juggalo and ICP is, can you explain in short what they are about? Not really, but I will try. The easiest way to explain a Juggalo is that we were people who grew up poor or in a shitty situation (not all, but the vast majority) and got swept aside by society, so we figured we would get together and embrace the hate. We love to say that ICP is "the most hated band on the planet" and alot of the shirts have that on the back. We took all the hate we recieved from society and instead of turning it into destructive behavior, we turned it into love for each other. If it wasnt for juggalos, I would have become a TERRIBLE person, and would probably be in prision (thats BEST case, more than likely I would actually be dead by now). So when you see "Juggalo" spray painted under a bridge, know that that kid has at least ONE person who cares about him, and would more than likely be setting fire to houses, or something equally messed up, if he didnt.
Last updated: 2012-03-31 16:05 UTC
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juggalo makeup ideas video

let's talk about skin WHITENING hacks on Tik Tok.. - YouTube How to Apply White Face Makeup Properly - YouTube FATHER OF JUGGALO BEAT UP IN SCHOOL FOR WEARING MAKE UP(YES HE IS A JUGGALO TOO!) Competing for Miss Juggalette at the Gathering of the Juggalos Freddy Krueger Makeup Tutorial (NO LATEX, NO MESS ... Easy Clown Halloween Makeup Tutorial - YouTube Vlog 07: My life as a Juggalo - YouTube How To Do Juggalette Make-Up THE WALKING DEAD ZOMBIE - Halloween SFX Makeup Tutorial ... Scary Halloween Makeup Tutorials 👻 Special Effects Makeup ...

Jul 29, 2013 - Explore Rosie Apple's board "Juggalo" on Pinterest. See more ideas about makeup, halloween makeup, costume makeup. Nov 17, 2020 - Explore leanna brown's board "Juggalo" on Pinterest. See more ideas about juggalo family, insane clown posse, halloween makeup clown. Oct 31, 2015 - Explore Leah Bent's board "Juggalette", followed by 365 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about halloween makeup, halloween costumes makeup, halloween make. You also need special makeup to apply juggalo face paint -- regular drugstore cosmetics won't be opaque enough or stay put. For juggalo face paint, you need to visit a costume shop or other place that sells matte theatrical makeup of the kind used by actual clowns. The basic colors you will need are white, black, and a silvery gray. May 26, 2020 - Explore Claudio's board "juggalo", followed by 110 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Insane clown posse, Juggalo family, Insane clown. Feb 14, 2017 - Juggalette ideas. See more ideas about clown makeup, halloween makeup, female clown. Being a Juggalo can be hard, especially when it comes to showing off your inner pizzazz. That's why we've compiled this list of tasteful Juggalo face paint. ... Last time I brought my ax, they threatened to ban me from the store.) Lucky for me, our clown makeup makes me completely undetectable to face recognition technology. 3.

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let's talk about skin WHITENING hacks on Tik Tok.. - YouTube

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